Nhanganyaya kune izvo zvikamu zveiyo bara nenyunje muchina


Muchina wekupfura blasting ndeyevakapfura nenyunje michinapakurapa kwesimbi pamusoro zvinhu. Inogona kukwenya simbi zvikamu uye kubvisa inonamira jecha, oxidation, uye ngura zvidimbu. Izvo chaizvo chaizvo nekuti iyoPfura nenyunje muchina has such a good effect and efficiency, so people in the industry will have a high evaluation of it. What are the components of the Pfura nenyunje muchina?

The components of the Pfura nenyunje muchina: shot blasting cleaning room, shot blasting head, elevator, separator, dust collector, screw conveyor, electric control system. 

Electric control system: Inotora yakachena PLC kutonga, iyo inogona kusetwa kuti ive yakazara otomatiki kana echinyorwa.

Guruva muteresi: Iyo ine yakanaka yekuchenesa mhedzisiro paguruva uye marara, uye inoitisa zvizere otomatiki.

Akapfura nenyunje muchina: It is a Pfura nenyunje muchina accessory at the core of the whole equipment. 

Separator: Basa guru ndere kupatsanura projectiles kana marara pellets uye guruva.

Erevheta: Inogona kusimudza pellets dzinounzwa neiyo sikuruwa pazasi kusvika pellet hopper.

Shot nenyunje kamuri: Iyi ndiyo yekupfura nzvimbo yekupwanya iyo inodiwa kana zvikamu zvacheneswa.

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