Chii chiri chinangwa chemugwagwa unopfura nenyunje muchina


Iyomugwagwa wapfura nenyunje muchinazvinonyanya kusanganisira nzvimbo nhanhatu mukushandisa kwemazuva ese, anotevera mupepeti anopfupisa runyorwa seinotevera:
(1) Anti-skid kurapwa kweasphalt pavement
Iyoimpact of road surface roughness on traffic cannot be ignored. Traffic accidents caused by road slippage are on the rise every year. For example, in turning sections and accident-prone sections, pavement shot blasting machine and floor mobile shot blasting machine are used to improve the anti-skid performance of passing vehicles, which is very convenient and flexible.
(2) Kuchenesa mafuta mumugwagwa
On highways and highways, due to the weather, the asphalt pavement often has oil flooding, which affects the normal driving of vehicles. Iyomugwagwa wapfura nenyunje muchina\ pasi pevhu nhepfenyuro pena nenyunje muchina unogona kubvisa zvakananga mafashama emafuta pane asphalt pavement nekuivandudza. Kupera mukushomeka-skid kuita nekuda kwemafashama emafuta.
(3) Kuchenesa mitsara yekumaka mumugwagwa
Iyocleaning of the waste marking lines on the road surface is also a headache. Iyomarking lines can be easily removed with the mugwagwa wapfura nenyunje muchina\floor moving shot blasting machine. It is especially suitable for the cleaning of cold paint markings and the cleaning and cleaning of surfaces such as municipal pedestrian streets. Clean up.
(4) Surface kumisikidza uye kuchenesa kana uchinge waisa nzira
Shandisamugwagwa wapfura nenyunje muchina\ pasi pevhu nhepfenyuro pena nenyunje muchina wekumbofungidzira mugwagwa pamusoro panguva yemumugwagwa kurapwa, izvo zvinogona kuwedzera pamusoro pevhu uye kuwedzera zvakanyanya kusimba kwekusimba kweslurry guruva rekuisa chisimbiso pamusoro; kana uchishandisa resin zvinhu kufukidza pamusoro pekutanga Shot nenyunje inogona kuvandudza zvakanyanya simba rekubatanidza pakati pevhavha yebutiro uye yepakutanga base layer.
(5) Kubviswa kwematai erabha mamaki munhandare yendege
Ndege dzinosimuka nekumhara nekumhanyisa padanho rekumhara panhandare dzichasiya nzira yematai munzira, izvo zvinokanganisa kuchengetedzeka kwendege ichisimuka nekumhara. Uchishandisakupfura mumugwagwa kuputikamuchina muvhu kufambisa iyo yekuputika michina inogona kuve yakavakirwa panhandare. Mamiriro ekumisikidza yekumhanyisa kumhanya uye yekuchenesa kudzika, iyo yakacheneswa nzvimbo yakashambidzika kwazvo uye yakanaka. Kunyanya kuvaka kwechando hakuzokanganisike.
(6) Chenesa pamusoro pemahwendefa esimbi, marata echikepe, simbi bhokisi girder zambuko, uye mapuratifomu emafuta.
Shandisamugwagwa wapfura nenyunje muchina\floor mobile shot blasting machine to remove oxide scale, rust and roughen the surface of ship deck, steel box girder bridge deck, oil drilling platform, chemical oil tank, ship inner surface and steel plate surface. Iyoroughness grade is Sa2.5-3.0, which fully meets the pretreatment requirements of anti-corrosion coating or heavy-duty coating.
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